Beloved Beautiful Souls, it is with my deepest joy, happiness and deep gratitude that I come to you in this moment. It is with deepest appreciation of each and every one of you still walking on the planet, honouring your individual paths. It is such a pleasure to me, to watch how far you have come, blazing your bright lights, even when you are going through challenging moments.
Please keep going. You are doing a great job of spreading your loving intentions to the whole planet. Your kind thoughts to those suffering in war zones are greatly helping even when you think and feel that you have nothing to contribute, you are contributing with your kind thoughts. The most important thing for you to do, is NOT to emotionally be drawn into the whys and wherefores. Stay emotionally detached in order to keep raising the vibrations of this planet higher and higher! AND: be happy; be in joy: be in deep gratitude.
The attitude that I say keep for war zones; is the attitude for anything that is catastrophic and would otherwise bring you tumbling or spiralling downward if you got engaged emotionally with what you see around you.
Focus on being Joy, being happiness, being deep gratitude. These three qualities will serve you well as you move forward, beautifully and fast, creating wonderful lives for yourselves
Joy is the highest vibration of Love. So is happiness. Deep gratitude is the door opener to receiving all your wishes and desires. When you are grateful for what you currently have. What you had. Everything bad and good that taught you a lesson and helped you move on to appreciate and be thankful for those things that brought you pain. Gratitude is Faith in action. The more you are grateful for all the goodness now, and what hasn’t arrived yet and with deep Trust! The more you will see amazing changes of receiving even unexpected results. When you allow doubts to come in; you cancel everything that you wish for and desire. And then you keep attracting more struggles and suffering.
Remember this: When you focus on what you fear: you create fear. When you focus on Joy, happiness and gratitude, you create more things that bring you joy, happiness and more to be grateful for.
So, Beloved Souls, know that The Creator/God/Divine Love IS Eternally connected to Your Mind, and Your Feelings. When you doubt, you are doubting Yourself/The Divine Source within You. And making it hard for your wishes and desires to manifest in your reality. So, your fastest way forward to your beautiful manifestations, is Joy, Happiness, Deep Gratitude.
I Love each and everyone of you Beautiful Souls.
Thank you Nomanono for this wonderful moment.
I am Grandmother Anna.
~ Grandmother Anna