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A Moment with Master/Saint Hilarion (06/02/25)

Beautiful Souls, I, Master Hilarion or Saint Hilarion, as some of you call me, come now with my loving open heart, showering each and everyone of you with my deepest love. My love is healing in all levels that you choose it to go to. And you can, if you wish call on “Hilarion’s Love” to embrace you, at whatever time and wherever you are.

Some of you know of the Temple that I hold in the atmosphere above Crete in Greece. It’s a live temple on the planet, and yet invisible to the naked eye; and whenever you visit, on holiday in Crete, send a thought to Master Hilarion’s White Temple and ask for whatever you wish. And also know that you don’t need to be in Greece, Crete, to access all the helpful healing energies for you and your situation. You can ask right now as you read these words, for healing, balancing of your energies. Balancing of your emotions. Balancing of your thoughts.

You see Beloveds, for a very long time while I was on earth, in different incarnations, I practised healing. That was my passion. I did it over and over again and again. I wasn’t drawn to anything else but healing. Helping my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, in getting back their lives and who they were meant to be, the wholeness and holiness of the Creator that they were, and you can also access who you truly are, by just asking, sending a thought to me, right now.

Right now, a lot of you have different imbalances that only need tiny adjustments. They are there without you being aware of them. I know that this will help you, so I am giving it to you with my deepest love. Every night just before you go to sleep, if you wish, call on “Master Hilarion and The Entourage of The White Temple of Crete, in Greece, to Be With You During Your Sleep, Helping You In The Best Way We Can.”

If you have a specific situation that you wish us to address, please go ahead and say what it is that you need help and healing with. We will certainly help in the best way possible. And for that, you can just let us know right away. Send us your thoughts. You can also ask on behalf of other people in your lives.

My Intention is each and every soul on earth to be free of ill health in whatever form it shows up. Everyone’s birthright is vibrant health, vitality and wellness. Everyone’s birthright is to enjoy their lives to the very best, thriving in joy, happiness and total aliveness. This is why balancing your thoughts is very important because all ill health starts with how one’s thoughts are being. Are your thoughts focusing on painful things, situations or are your thoughts focusing on what makes you happy and joyful?

From the White Temple above Crete, we constantly send out our pure Love.

For those of you who may wonder why our temple is called a white temple; it has nothing to do with race or colour of our skins. We chose White Temple as the intention for our mission of purity of our souls and intentions of Pure Love into the world, pouring more love into the very dark energies that were intended for the planet by those who didn’t care about humanity; as well as during the Spiritual Wars that took place eons ago.

We are Love just as You are Love. I, Master Hilarion love each and everyone of you and I thank you Nomanono for this very moment.

I am Master/Saint Hilarion and I thank you.

~ Master/Saint Hilarion


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