Beautiful Souls of Love, I, Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, Terra, come to you in this moment, with my deepest love for each and everyone of you. Me and You, are One. We are connected in every way. Without each one of you, there would be no Mother Earth and without Mother Earth there would be no Humanity and none of all living beings that are part of this planet and part of us all. I come with joy and a big smile on my being. Yes, I am the Consciousness of Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Happiness, to mention a few of the qualities that make the world a beautiful place and my Love is evident in everything that you see in you and around you. And I am all that you don’t like around you. I Am All That I Am. You Are!
You see, Beloved Beautiful Souls, you and me and the Creator/God/Your Source Self/Spirit Self, are Not separate. We are One, but here to play a game of hide and seek, if you wish to understand, what we are here for. We are all, in various and varying degrees, searching and seeking out the best parts of us that are vaster, beyond what we each know. The parts of us that have been veiled in deep illusions, in order for each of us, to then step by step, peel off the layers like onions, that are covering our bodies. We keep peeling and at times it is easy, and yet, there are times when a seemingly flimsy layer of the onion, becomes very tough and hard to peel off. However, we must continue to find ways to keep peeling because then another layer is showing up wanting us to keep peeling off until we reach the deepest pure point of who we truly are.
And that point is what has always been there, but because we each agreed, when we first came to play this game, that we would forget everything about who we were and where we came from. In order to go deeper into unconsciousness, start all over again. Beloveds, we are all amazing geniuses. It is our time now to surrender all that we initially agreed to. That no longer applies now. It is time that we hand over to the Source/Creator everything that we agreed on, let Source/The Creator have all this back, and we come out of that agreement or contract; and by so doing and choosing, we open ourselves to new activations of creation; creating a new beginning.
Dear Beautiful Souls, I, Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, Terra, ask you now, to allow me, to shower you with my Loving Intentions, for each and everyone of us, to be Free of the shackles of forgetfulness and delete All the contracts and agreements that we made, of forgetting the amazing, powerful beings of LOVE that we are. All I ask, is for you to accept these, my intentions as yours, since we are one. By accepting, you allow me in this moment to activate in you and all that you are the true, pure love with all so many various wonderful qualities of the Creator that we have all been seeking to be. The time is now, to just be open and allow yourself to be this magnificent beautiful being you have always been, but allowed yourself to forget.
Not anymore. It’s time for freedom now. Love freedom. Feel your heart, being, all that you are, gently and quietly opening up to feelings that you have not felt for a while. What do you feel in your heart centre? In your chest area in this moment? What about the corners of your mouth, is there a gentle smile showing up? Are you feeling your whole face now smiling? Hold on to that, and be in deep gratitude, excitement and joy. Be happy that you are feeling these emotions and a ray of sunshine within you. Of course you are always the sunshine spreading all the gorgeousness that you are Beloved Beautiful Souls.
I love each and everyone of you deeply.
Thank you Nomanono for this precious moment.
I am Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, Terra. I thank you.
~ Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, Terra.