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A Moment with Mother Mary (25/07/24)

Beloved Beautiful Souls, I Mother Mary come to you in this moment, because I need to remove a myth from your minds, I need to stop you from beating yourself up.  If you are one of those who believe, that when you are raising your vibrations in order to reach the states of peacefulness, it is wrong or low of you; when you remember, or are reminded, in your journey of awakening, of a situation, that was painful in your life, however long ago that was, and you thought that you had dealt with it, and you find yourself deep in that painful remembering of whatever happened. Stop beating yourself up for whatever you are experiencing.

Beloveds, it is Not wrong and Not low of you to go through this pain. Sit with it and feel it. It is perfectly normal to have moments like these in your quest for a better awakened and loving you. This is part of you shedding or purging yourself, your old skin as it were.

Beloveds, remember that your cellular structures are composed of many layers of every emotion you have lived in many of your incarnations. So it stands to reason that at some point any of these feelings and remembrances will show up when you least expect them, and it is not to deny them and pretend that they are not there nor true. They are showing up for you to acknowledge them and help yourself move forward, to a better understanding of yourself and what these feelings are helping you be at and acknowledge for you and how you handled whatever was going on at that particular time. Did you make the right decisions for you then and are you still proud of how you dealt with that situation? If you feel good and proud of yourself, then pat yourself on your back and hug yourself.

If on the other hand you know that your decision wasn’t the right one, then thank yourself for that moment because at that particular time, you thought that you were making the right decision. Forgive yourself and appreciate the lessons. Be proud of yourself for acknowledging for yourself that you made a mistake. And everyone, makes mistakes.

This journey of awakening and ascension has its own ups and downs beloveds. It is not all roses, for remember, even the rose tree has a lot of thorns and from the thorny tree, comes out a beautiful rose flower. You are all the beautiful roses, beloveds, sprouting awesomely from thorny trees. This is your journey and be grateful for every achievement, however tiny you make. Stop beating yourself up.

I love each and everyone of you deeply.

Thank you Nomanono for this opportunity.

I am Mother Mary. I thank you.

  • Mother Mary


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